英文名:renal veins
| 腹腔 |
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| 肾循环
- 肾叶动脉
- 肾的节段动脉
- 肾叶动脉
- 肾的弓状动脉
- 叶间动脉
- 入球小动脉
- 肾小体
- 近曲小管
- 亨利氏环
- 亨利氏环下降支
- 亨利氏环细上升支
- 亨利氏环粗上升支
- 远曲小管
- Connecting tubule
- Collecting ducts aka Duct of Belini
- 肾乳头
- 肾小盏
- 肾大盏
- 肾盂
| 肾循环
- 输出小动脉
- Peritubular capillaries/Vasa recta
- 弓状静脉
- 叶间静脉
- 肾静脉
| 肾小球旁体
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| 滤过作用
- 肾小球基膜
- 足细胞
- 滤过裂隙
- 肾小球系膜/球内系膜细胞
- 小管液
- Orifice of ureter
- 外膜
- 肌层
- 黏膜
- Ureteropelvic junction
| 骨盆腔 |
- 膀胱顶
- Uvula of urinary bladder
- 膀胱颈
- 脐正中韧带
- 肌层
- 膀胱三角区
- Detrusor urinae muscle
- 黏膜
- 粘膜下层
- 尿道括约肌
- External sphincter muscle of male urethra
- External sphincter muscle of female urethra
- Internal sphincter muscle of urethra