ATC代码 (A02)

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A 消化系统代谢系统
A01 口腔病药物
(Stomatological preparations)
A02 治疗与胃酸分泌相关疾病的药物
(Drugs for acid related disorders)
A03 肠胃机能失调用药
(Drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders)
A04 止吐药止恶心药
(Antiemetics and antinauseants)
A05 疾病治疗药
(Bile and liver therapy)
A06 轻泻药
A07 止泻药肠道消炎药肠道抗感染药
(Antidiarrheals, intestinal anti-inflammatory
/anti-infective agents)
A08 减肥制剂,不包含饮食制品
(Antiobesity preparations, excluding diet products)
A09 消化药,包括
(Digestives, including enzymes)
A10 糖尿病用药
(Drugs used in diabetes)
A11 维生素
A12 矿物补充剂
(Mineral supplements)
A13 补药
A14 同化作用药
(Anabolic agents for systemic use)
A15 食欲促进剂
(Appetite stimulants)
A16 其它消化道及新陈代谢用药
(Other alimentary tract and metabolism products)

A • B • C • D • G • H • QI • J • L • M • N • P • R • S • V

ATC代码A02(治疗与胃酸分泌相关疾病的药物)是药品的解剖学、治疗学及化学分类系统的一个药物分组,这是由世界卫生组织药物统计方法整合中心(The WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology)所制定的药品及其它医用产品的官方分类系统。分组A02是A消化系统和代谢系统的一部分。[1]




  1. A02A 抗酸药(Antacids)
    1. A02AA 镁化合物类(Magnesium compounds)
    2. A02AB 铝化合物类(Aluminium compounds)
    3. A02AC 钙化合物类(Calcium compounds)
    4. A02AD 铝、钙和镁化合物类的复合物及复方(Combinations and complexes of aluminium, calcium and magnesium compounds)
    5. A02AF 配有排气药的抗酸药(Antacids with antiflatulents)
    6. A02AG 配有解痉药的抗酸药(Antacids with antispasmodics)
    7. A02AH 配有碳酸氢钠的抗酸药(Antacids with sodium bicarbonate)
    8. A02AX 抗酸药,其它复方(Antacids, other combinations)
  2. A02B 消化道溃疡和胃食管反流病治疗药物(Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease(GORD))
    1. A02BA H2-受体拮抗药类(H2-receptor antagonists)
    2. A02BB 前列腺素类(Prostaglandins)
    3. A02BC 质子泵抑制药(Proton pump inhibitors)
    4. A02BD 根除幽门螺旋杆菌的复方(Combinations for eradication of Helicobacter pylori)
    5. A02BX 消化道溃疡和胃食管反流病治疗用其它药物(Other drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD))
  3. A02X 治疗与胃酸分泌相关疾病的其它药物(Other drugs for acid related disorders)
  4. 参考文献
  5. 参考来源

A02A 抗酸药(Antacids)

A02AA 镁化合物类(Magnesium compounds)

A02AA01 碳酸镁(Magnesium carbonate)
A02AA02 氧化镁(Magnesium oxide)
A02AA03 过氧化镁(Magnesium peroxide)
A02AA04 氢氧化镁(Magnesium hydroxide)
A02AA05 硅酸镁(Magnesium silicate)
A02AA10 复方(Combinations)

A02AB 铝化合物类(Aluminium compounds)

A02AB01 氢氧化铝(Aluminium hydroxide)
A02AB02 水合氢氧化铝(Algeldrate)
A02AB03 磷酸铝(Aluminium phosphate)
A02AB04 碳酸二羟基铝钠(Dihydroxialumini sodium carbonate)
A02AB05 乙酰乙酸铝(Aluminium acetoacetate)
A02AB06 谷氨醇铝(Aloglutamol)
A02AB07 甘氨酸铝(Aluminium glycinate)
A02AB10 复方(Combinations)

A02AC 钙化合物类(Calcium compounds)

A02AC01 碳酸钙(Calcium carbonate)
A02AC02 硅酸钙(Calcium silicate)
A02AC10 复方(Combinations)

A02AD 铝、钙和镁化合物类的复合物复方(Combinations and complexes of aluminium, calcium and magnesium compounds)

A02AD01 普盐复方(Ordinary salt combinations)
A02AD02 镁加铝(Magaldrate)
A02AD03 铝镁加(Almagate)
A02AD04 铝碳酸镁(Hydrotalcite)
A02AD05 铝硅酸镁(Almasilate)

A02AF 配有排气药的抗酸药(Antacids with antiflatulents)

A02AF01 镁加铝和排气药(Magaldrate and antiflatulents)
A02AF02 普盐复方和排气药(Ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents)

A02AG 配有解痉药的抗酸药(Antacids with antispasmodics)

A02AH 配有碳酸氢钠的抗酸药(Antacids with sodium bicarbonate)

A02AX 抗酸药,其它复方(Antacids, other combinations)

A02B 消化道溃疡胃食管反流病治疗药物(Drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease(GORD))

A02BA H2-受体拮抗药类(H2-receptor antagonists)

A02BA01 西咪替丁(Cimetidine)
A02BA02 雷尼替丁(Ranitidine)
A02BA03 法莫替丁(Famotidine)
A02BA04 尼扎替丁(Nizatidine)
A02BA05 尼培替丁(Niperotidine)
A02BA06 罗沙替丁(Roxatidine)
A02BA07 枸橼酸铋雷尼替丁(Ranitidine bismuth citrate)
A02BA08 拉呋替丁(Lafutidine)
A02BA51 复方西咪替丁,(Cimetidine, combinations)
A02BA53 复方法莫替丁,(Famotidine, combinations)

A02BB 前列腺素类(Prostaglandins)

A02BB01 米索前列醇(Misoprostol)
A02BB02 恩前列素(Enprostil)

A02BC 质子泵抑制药(Proton pump inhibitors)

A02BC01 奥美拉唑(Omeprazole)
A02BC02 泮托拉唑(Pantoprazole)
A02BC03 兰索拉唑(Lansoprazole)
A02BC04 雷贝拉唑(Rabeprazole)
A02BC05 埃索美拉唑镁(Esomeprazole)
A02BC06 埃索美拉唑镁(Dexlansoprazole)

A02BD 根除幽门螺旋杆菌的复方(Combinations for eradication of Helicobacter pylori

A02BD01 奥美拉唑阿莫西林甲硝唑(Omeprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole)
A02BD02 兰索拉唑四环素甲硝唑(Lansoprazole, tetracycline and metronidazole)
A02BD03 兰索拉唑阿莫西林甲硝唑(Lansoprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole)
A02BD04 泮托拉唑阿莫西林克拉霉素(Pantoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
A02BD05 奥美拉唑阿莫西林克拉霉素(Omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
A02BD06 埃索美拉唑阿莫西林克拉霉素(Esomeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
A02BD07 兰索拉唑阿莫西林克拉霉素(Lansoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin)
A02BD08 次枸橼酸铋四环素甲硝唑(Bismuth subcitrate, tetracycline and metronidazole)

A02BX 消化道溃疡和胃食管反流病治疗用其它药物(Other drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD))

A02BX01 甘珀酸(Carbenoxolone)
A02BX02 硫糖铝(Sucralfate)
A02BX03 哌仑西平(Pirenzepine)
A02BX04 氯化甲基蛋氨酸锍盐(Methiosulfonium chloride)
A02BX05 次枸橼酸铋(Bismuth subcitrate)
A02BX06 丙谷酰胺(Proglumide)
A02BX07 吉法酯(Gefarnate)
A02BX08 硫糖肽(Sulglicotide)
A02BX09 乙酰甘草亭酸铝(Acetoxolone)
A02BX10 佐利米定(Zolimidine)
A02BX11 曲昔派特(Troxipide)
A02BX12 次硝酸铋(Bismuth subnitrate)
A02BX13 海藻酸(Alginic acid)
A02BX51 甘珀酸,与非安定药的复方(Carbenoxolone, combinations excluding psycholeptics)
A02BX71 甘珀酸,与安定药的复方(Carbenoxolone, combinations with psycholeptics)
A02BX77 吉法酯,与安定药的复方(Gefarnate, combinations with psycholeptics)

A02X 治疗与胃酸分泌相关疾病的其它药物(Other drugs for acid related disorders)


  1. ATC Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology. 
  2. ATCvet Index. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology. 
