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中医宝典 > 医学电子书 > 《临床营养学》 > 必需脂肪酸缺乏病 > 必需脂肪酸缺乏章节参考文献


1.Roslyn B.Alfin Slater and DavidKritchevsky; Human Nuutrition .a Comprehensive Treatise 3A, Nutritional and theAdult Macronutrients.Plenem Press.New York 1980pp.213~238

2.Crawfird M,A.etal;Thelinitations of whole tissue analysis to define linolelc aciddefixiency.J.Nutr.102:1315

3.Roslyn B.etal:Human Nutrition AComprehensive Treatose 3A, Plenum Press New York 1980 pp.11~11,

4.S.Jkarran andK,G,M.Malberti:Practical Nutritrtional Support.Pittman Press 1980pp.116~125

5.Nicolas G.Bazan at al;CurrentTopies in Nutrition and Disease Voluma 5.Alau R..Liss,Ine.New York 1981

32 必需脂肪酸缺乏的预防 | 疾病与营养引言 32