Table 21-2 Classification of MembraneReceptors:Characteristics of Three Groups of Receptors
Characteristics | Ion Channel Receptors | G-Protein-Linked receptors | Recetpors with a Single Transmembrane Domain |
Endogenous ligands | Neurotransmitter | Neurotransmitter | Growth factor hormone |
| | Hormone | Cytokine |
| | Auloacoid | |
| | Chemotactic factor | |
| | Exogenous stimulant | |
Structure | Oligomer with a pore | Probably monomer | Monomer of oligoner |
| | | with (±)catalytic |
| | | domain |
Number of transmem | Four per subunit | Seven | One per subunit |
bane segments | | | |
Function | Ion channel | Activation of G proteins | Tyrosine kinase |
| | | Giuanylate cyclase(?) |
Cellular responses | Depolarization or | Depolarization or | Regulation of function |
| hyperpolarization | hyperpolarization | and expression of |
| | Regulation of function | proteins |
| | and expression of | Proliferation or |
| | proteins | differentiation |