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中医宝典 > 医学电子书 > 《核武器与化学武器损伤》 > 核损伤相关名词汉英索引



  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. F
  6. G
  7. H
  8. J
  9. K
  10. L
  11. M
  12. N
  13. P
  14. Q
  15. R
  16. S
  17. T
  18. W
  19. X
  20. Y
  21. Z


α衰变                      alpha decay

氨乙基异硫脲               aminoethylisothiourea,AET


β衰变                    beta decay

半胱胺                    mercapto,MEA

半衰期                    half-life time

贝可勒尔                  Becqueral(Bq)

放射性                  specific radioactivity

比例爆高(比高)          scaled height of hurst


肠型                      gastro-intestinal type

超压                      overpressure

冲击波                    blast wave

冲击波                    blast injuries

初期                      prodromal phase

传能线密度            linear energy transfer,LET


单链断裂                  single-strand breaks

当量剂量                  equivalent dose

电离                       ionogation

电子对生成                electron pair production

地面爆炸                  land surface burst

地下爆炸                  underground burst

动压                      dynamic pressure


放射复合伤                  radiation combined injuries

放射防护最优化              optimisation of radiological protection

放射实践正当化              justification of radiological practice

放射性活度                  radioactivity

放射性落下灰               radioactive fallout

放射性沾染                   radioactive contamination

非弹性散射                    inelastic scattering

非整倍体                    aneuploid

分次照射                    fractionated dose

辐射防护剂                  radioprotectant

辐射增敏剂                  radiosensitizer

辐射侦察                    radiation detection

负压                        underpressure,negative pressure


γ衰变                     gamma decay

感生放射性                induced radioactivity

感生放射性核素            induced radionuclide

戈瑞                        gray(Gy)

个人剂量和危险度限制       individual dose and risks limits

骨髓型                     bone marrow type

骨髓移植                   bone marrow transplantation,BMT

胱胺                       cystamine

光冲量                     radiant exposure

光电效应                    photoelectric effect

光辐射                    light radiation


核爆炸复合伤          combined injuries from nuclear explosions

核反应                    nuclear reaction

核聚变                    nuclear fusion

核力                      nuclear potential

核裂变                    unclear fission

核衰变                    unclear decay

核素                      nuclide

核武器                    nuclear weapon

核子                      nucleon

恢复期                    recovery phase

火球                      fire ball


激发                      excitation

极期                      critical phase

剂量存活曲线              dose-survival curve

集落刺激因子              colony forming stimulator,CFS

急性效应                    acute radiation effect

基质细胞细胞            fibroblast colony forming unit,CFU-F

假愈期                      letent phase

间期死亡                   intermitotic death

间质性肺炎                interstital pneumonitis,IP


康普顿效应                Compton effect

空中爆炸                  air burst


临界体积                  critical size

临界质量                  critical mass

伦禁琴                    Roentgen(R)


慢性效应                  chronic radiation effect

蘑菇状烟云                mushroom cloud


脑型                      central nervous system type

内照射                    internal irradiation

内照射放射损伤       radiation injuries from internal exposure

阈剂量                  quasithreshold dose

年摄入量限值            annual limit of intake,ALI


皮肤放射损伤              radiation injuries of skin

结节生成单位            colony forming unit-spleen,CFU-S

平均致死剂量(Do)        mean lethal dose


岐化反应                   dismutation

潜在致死损伤修复          potentially lethal damage repair,PLDR

氢弹                        hydrogen bomb

轻核聚变反应              light nuclear fusion reacton

躯体效应                   somatic effect

权重因子                   weighting factor,WT

确定性效应                deterministic effect


染色单体型畸变              chromatid aberration

染色体畸变                  chromosome aberration

热辐射                    thermal radiation

热核反应                  thermonuclear reaction

热核武器                  thermonuclear weapon

人白细胞抗原              human leukocyte antigen,HLA

轫致辐射                  bremssthahlung


散射                      excitation

闪光                      flash

闪光盲                    flashblindess

烧冲复合伤                burn-blast combined injuries

剩余核辐射                residual nuclear radiation

双链断裂                  double-strand breaks

适应性反应                adaptive response

衰变规律                  law of radioactive decay

瞬时杀伤因素              instantaneous killing factor

随机性效应                stochastic effect


TNT当量                    TNT equivalent

肝移植                   fetal live transplantation,FLT

弹性散射                   elastic scattering

同位素                     isotope

同质异能素                 isomer


外推值                    extrapolation number

外照射                    external irradiation

危险度                    risk


吸收                      absorption

吸收剂量                  absorbed dose

希沃特                    sievert(Sv)

相对生物效应           relative biological effectiveness,RBE

兴奋效应                  hormesis

心血管型                  cardio-vascular type


亚致死损伤修复            sublethal damage repair,SLDR

一次照射                   single dose

遗传效应                   genetic effect

移植物抗宿主病            graff versus host disease,GVHG

有效半减期              effective half-life

有效剂量                  effective dose,HE

远期效应                  late effect

元素                       element

原子弹                    atomic bomb

原子核                    nucleus

原子核结合能           binding energy of nucleos


增殖死亡                  reproductive death

早期核辐射                initial nuclear radiation

早期效应                  early effect

照射量                    exposure dose

造血干细胞                hematopoietic stem cell

造血微环境                hematopoietic microenvironment

造血祖细胞                hematopoietic progenitor cell

自发畸变                   spontaneous aberration

质量亏损                   mass defect

自由基                      free radical

质子                       proton

中子                       neutron

中子弹                    neutron bomb

中子俘获                   neutron capture

重核裂变链式反应        chain reaction of heavy nuclear fission

32 放射事故及其处理原则 | 化学武器概述 32