中医宝典 > 口腔颌面外科
口腔颌面外科(oral and maxillofacial surgery)是一门以外科治疗为主,研究口腔器官(牙,牙槽骨,唇,颊,舌,腭,咽等)、面部软组织、颌面诸骨(上颌骨、下颌骨、颧骨等)、颞下颌关节、涎腺以及颈部某些相关疾病的防治为主要内容的学科。
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the specialty which combines surgical training with dental expertise for the treatment of diseases, injuries, tumours and deformities of the face and jaws. Today the specialty forms the natural bridge between the current disciplines of dentistry and medicine.
1个分类: 口腔医学